Saturday 6 June 2009

Global warming problems and solutions

Global Warming is an important ecological issue. It has problems upon our environment. Many people hear about it, but less people know what it exactly means. However, It is mainly caused by the greenhouses. In this essay I will briefly talk about the problems and solutions of the Global Warming.
Lets first talk about the problems. For starters , one notable concern is with regard to green house gas emissions. To clarify, “The increase of greenhouse gas concentration (mainly carbon dioxide) led to a substantial warming of the earth and the sea” (juerg). Another point to consider is with cutting tree. In other words, the trees that convert our CO2 to oxygen are being demolished because we're using the land that we cut the trees down from as property for our homes and buildings ( Another problem I forget to mention it is with the way we use our lands. For example, There are many modern agriculture practices for human consumption which can lead to release the main two greenhouse gases.

Having looked at the problems now lets turn our attention to the global warming solutions. The first solution is to plant trees in yards and local parks because the trees convert the CO2 to oxygen Like Leonard said in his report: “ planting trees in those parking lots would also help eliminate the "hot spots" that create detrimental clouds of carbon dioxide” (Leonard 64). Another solution to consider is to buy compact fluorescent lights bulb. to illustrate, using fluorescent lights bulbs can only consume 5 watt comparing with the normal lights which consume 25 watt and these lights can reduce CO2 emissions and these lights can last from 5 to 15 times longer than the normal lights. Yet another solution to consider is with your transportation. For example you can walk or you can ride the bus and you may Drive a fuel-efficient car
and avoid using cars for unnecessary trips.
In brief, taking into account all that I have mentioned regarding global warming problems and solutions, I think this is really serious problem because it affect us all and we have to find other ways to keep our environment clean.
Word account: 373


Diamonds are very valuable materials in the world. Everyone likes to own some of them for several proposes. In this topic I will briefly talk about where they come from and how people misuse them .

The main places for processing diamonds are in India, Israel and New York. The diamonds are evaluated, cut and sold are there. The biggest diamond mining company in the world is De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd. They got most of their diamonds in South Africa. They control about two-thirds of the world’s diamonds business. In the beginning of the 20th century the company fixed the price of diamond highly and keeping specific amount of diamonds in the market.

Another places for trading the Antwerp, Belgium. In this city, The Jewish community is linked with the diamond business. In addition, many cutters and polishers left in Antwerp after commercials outsourced a lot of the cutting and polishing to India. 80% of the world’s rough diamonds still going through Antwerp. India is another important city where diamonds are processed. About 90% of the world’s rough diamonds are cut and polished there. Smooth diamonds come from Antwerp, and Tel Aviv, Israel. Indian workers get a very low price for every piece of diamond they work on it. Dubai has taken a big part in this diamond as well. It has had an increasing reputation as the main center for the diamond for the last 10 years. The government has been working hard to attract foreign and local diamond companies, agencies and traders. The government usual offer them a deal for long period of time which that satisfies both parties. The retail jewelry business in this city is worth nearly more than 10 Billion AED.

To sum up, Diamonds are very valuable jewelry. Everyone is willing to own some. I really want to have some of it to give someone who is close to me and of course for me


Lebanon is a located between 5 main countries . Jordan, Cyprus, Turkey, Syria and Palestine. After I made a quick search I found out that The Bible described Lebanon as "the land of milk and honey". Beirut is the capital of the country and it is called “Paris of the East”. There are many famous activities happen around the year in Lebanon. Let’s now read about Lebanon to find more information about it.

Lebanon faced lots of things during the last years. One of the most thing that happened in Lebanon was the problems between Muslims and Christians in 1943.The main cause of that problem was when Christians held the balance of power in the government while Lebanese Muslims had little say in the running of their country. The problem reached a culmination when members of a radical Christian group attacked and killed a bus full of Palestinians in Beirut. Soon after, revenge killings started to spread throughout. Another important issue is that in 1982 the Israeli troops wanted to remove the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) who was entrenched in Beirut. Israeli troops surrounded Beirut and drove out the PLO, during that time many thousands died in the fighting. The civil was was the main issue to be considered in Lebanon which broke out in 1975. The war lasted for almost 15 years which also destroyed the economic of the country and causing a huge damages to people life. The studies showed that almost 150,000 people were killed and another 200,000 were either wounded or missing.

Let’s now go to read about the Lebanon in present . After the war was over, Lebanon took a serious action to rebuild the country and to bring the economy back to its place and make it even much better. The economy started to return back to its normal and tourism started to resume again. development products have increased and been exported outside the country. However, the country still faces problems regarding Palestinian people who still have few rights, and water shortages which have become a serious problem as well as the the militants who want to turn over the government.

To sum up, I feel sorry for Lebanon people and Israel is the main reason for all problems. I think we have all to solve this problem and make the peace in the area.

Thursday 26 March 2009

Summary of "An Inconvenient Truth"

Summary of "An Inconvenient Truth"
Al Gore, the host was the vice-president of the United States in Clinton Administration . He has been interested in climate issues since grade school and has continued to take an interest in this subject as a politician. In the documentary he highlights some very important points regarding global warming in his discussion. We will take a look of some these highlights.

Some very important effects include illustrations of the impact of global warming. He does this by first pointing out the relationship between the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and corresponding temperature over a 650,000 years period. For example the amount of carbon before 20 years is less than the amount of carbon in 2006 and the last statistics show that the temperature now is hotter than before. Another significant result we can see due to climate change is regard to natural disasters. To clarify, when the iceberg is melting in Antarctica because the rise of temperature and another factors it can cause the increase of sea level and the amount of water will evaporate more and it can cause more powerfully Hurricanes and strong storms. Another point to consider is with Diseases. To illustrate, Malaria has spread to higher altitudes in places like the Colombian Andes, 7,000 feet above sea level. Another result to consider is with the Animal migration. To clarify, At least 279 species of plants and animals are already responding to global warming, moving closer to the poles.

To sum up, Al Gore says that although the situation regarding global warming appears dire, he does speak passionately looking forward to the future with hope. His presentation concludes with parting nuggets of practical advice as to how man can play role in curbing climate change.

Thursday 12 March 2009

Hi there my name is Salem Abdulla and I have a lot of things to tell you about myself.First thing, let me introduce you to myself.

As I said my name is Salem. I live in Al-Ain. I am 24 years old. I studied in Al-ain Men’s college last year in the HD Foundation program. I work at the same time and I don’t have sponsor. It is really tiring especially when you are study and work at the same time, but what else I can do?, At this moment I have transferred to study in ADMC because the major that I wanted to study is not available in Al-Ain.Now let me tell you about the things that I love a lot. I prefer to live in a rural area because I like the simple life. That’s why I am living in Al-ain. It’s a quite place and there are a lot of natural places. I also like to walk a long distance every week. I usually walk from five to eight hours on a week. I also like to write poems. One thing I forgot to mention, I really love cars, especially the mechanical stuff. Another point that I want to add is that my favorite colors are black and white.Now let me talk about other things. I live in a big villa there are twelve rooms and seven bathrooms. I have a quite big family with five brothers and three sisters. I am in the middle between my brothers. My father is a business man. He used to work for the government sector but now he is retired. Sometimes we set together and talk with each other. He really is a good guy. I am really proud to be his son. In addition, my father has a farm and it really near my home. At holidays we go together and spend it on the farm.I have a lot of future plans. Let me tell you about it. First of all, I want to finish my studies with a good grade and I really hope from deep inside of my heart that I graduate from ADMC. Of course after a long period of studying, I would like to take a long vacation so that I can spend more time with my family and my friends. After that I want to buy a house and get married so I can live there. I also want to buy a new car because mine is so old. Finally I would like to visit places that I never been.Everyone has good time. Like others I have been to many places and countries. I love to travel a lot because I want to see different places and cultural. I went to Oman and visited many tourist places. In Muscat there are a lot of mountains and I love to see the sunset and sunrise over there. That’s why I love nature. I went also to see old forts and historic places. I just want to know how the people lived in the past. It really hard, don’t you think? There are also other countries that I visited such as Bahrain, Ksa, Syria and Kuwait. I think Bahrain is a good country even it is small because the people there were very nice and kindly. I hope that I can visit these countries again.Now I will talk about what I do in my free time. Sometimes I watch T.V because I am interested in breaking news. However, I don’t have enough time to see the T.V nowadays. I also like to set with my friends on the sand around my house and talk about a lot of things. In Ramadan we play volleyball at the weekend. I also go to my father’s farm when I have got nothing to do.

In conclusion, I hope that you really enjoyed reading this article and I am looking forward to do my best in my life.